sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

BOND WITH ME, by Anne Marsh

Bond with Me**** I enjoyed it!

This is a fantastic story of fallen angels.  The rebels are Dominions, angel warriors bred to defend the throne of Heavens, and to die for it, although the only way to kill them is to cut off their heads completely.  Archangel Michael influenced by a devious angel, punished these Dominions to stripped their souls and wings and cast them out of heaven.  They fell to earth to be half beast and half men until they found their soul mate.  If they did, the Fallen would regain their wings and soul and the entrance to Heaven again.

Three thousand years after that, in the M City, in Russia, Brends Duranov, the fallen angel owner of the night club G2, meets his soul mate.  She is searching for her cousin.  Lots of women wanted to bond with a Goblin to experience total pleasure, although the Goblin preyed on their human's emotions, drinking them down like a vampyr did blood.  Mishka Baran is aware of the danger but she is determined to find her cousin Pelinor, and the only way to help her is to bonding with Brends Duranov.  And it is going to be a great experience!

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